RealSelf has a dedicated moderation team looking after the site around the clock but we love our community’s commitment to keeping RealSelf safe too.
RealSelf’s Code of Conduct outlines the rules for interacting on the site. People may disagree with others but mutual respect and support is the foundation of the RealSelf community.
Everyone should feel welcome on RealSelf. Complaints about another community member’s posts or behavior are always taken seriously.
Making a Complaint
If you want to make a complaint about a community member who you feel isn’t abiding by the guidelines, please email us. If you’re using the app, you can flag their content within the app.
What’s Next?
We investigate all complaints as urgently as possible. Your report will also be treated as anonymous, so the person you’re concerned about won’t know that you made a complaint.
If a community member isn’t following the Code of Conduct, we may take action on their account, including:
- Removing any posts that violate our Terms of Service
- Speaking to them about their posts
- Restricting their access to RealSelf
Except in the case of extreme issues, everyone is given the chance to fix any issues with their account.
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