We know negative reviews can be frustrating. Here are a few tips for dealing with negative reviews about your practice:
Don’t Worry
A single review is rarely the only information a consumer bases their decision on when choosing a doctor. Most consumers take a holistic approach and learn more through your credentials, Q&A contributions, photo galleries and even your own website.
Leverage the Feedback
Patient reviews are a great way to step back and make improvements to your practice. While you may not agree with all or any of the opinions shared, there is always something to be learned from each patient’s experience to either improve your business for the future or to avoid similar situations.
Be Proactive
A doctor who only has one review -- even if it's five stars -- isn't providing consumers with the information they crave. Help consumers see the whole picture of your practice by asking all patients to share their story online.
Respond to the Review
It's hard to remain calm when you're being criticized on social media, but resist the urge to reply right away. If you do decide to post a public response to a review, keep your focus on providing exemplary customer service. Ask the consumer to contact you directly to discuss the issue, and never react in anger or get defensive. While it may feel good at the time, you're not helping the consumer or yourself by reacting emotionally.
If you feel the review violates RealSelf Terms of Service, you can dispute it here.
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