Thousands of people participate on RealSelf every day. Although we have very few problems in the community, occasionally we do block a community member from participating on RealSelf. A blocked account holder can still browse the site but they can't participate in the forums or Doctor Q&A, post comments, or write reviews.
If you're using RealSelf the way it was intended, you don't have to worry about your account access being blocked. Accounts may be blocked if they don't adhere to our Code of Conduct. The most common reasons are:
- Community member is underage
- Self-promotional posts, including affiliate marketing
- Personal attacks against other community members, including doctors
- Using the site for reasons other than its intended purpose
In the majority of cases, people know why they were blocked and they were also given the chance to correct it.
If your account access is blocked and you don't know why, please email our Customer Support team.
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